Seven New Years Resolutions For Your Home - Resolution Two

We know, most never accomplish or maintain their resolutions for the new year. At the core of why we even bother - our homes (and budgets) have been stressed during the frantic holiday season - the new year promises us new beginnings and a refocused purpose. With that in mind, We've Got It Maid Cleaning Service is offering a seven-part series of little things that can bring new life to your home, you and your family. Click here to read Part One: Take Care Of Yourself.
One easy way to get organized for the new year is "addition by subtraction," i.e. downsizing. Specifically, for every new item that is added to your household (clothes, gadgets, etc.), one-to-three things need to go.
Past that, do an inventory of stored things. Boxes from an old move... garage items with levels of dust measured in feet... the ubiquitous "junk drawer..." If you haven't needed some of the contents of these cluttered areas in years, maybe it's time to part with them.
In your closets and drawers, maybe you have a few of those perfectly worn T-shirts but can part with the stacks that get overlooked for the prized few.
With the new year upon you, it's a great time to execute your downsize plan. Once you clear out space it becomes easier to organize the things that are staying.